Standing Out From Crowds mproving Mobile Experience
Chhimeki field research, case studies and household visits revealed that mothers of the families in communities with low socio-economic status go to work leaving their small children in dirty, dark and small rooms with food and water. It is one of the reasons why small children suffer from physical and psychosocial problems with chronic as well as acute disease. In light of this, Chhimeki has given priority to child protection program through its Child Care Centers (CCC), which it operates in needy areas at an affordable rate. The first CCC was established in the year 2003 and by 2008, Chhimeki was able to establish five CCCs. Till this date Chhimeki has been running six Child Care Centers in ward no. 13, 14, 19, 20 and 32 of KMC with the aim to assist poor working mothers with small children and to promote the overall development of children from six months to three years old. The CCCs operate Sunday to Friday 8:30am-5:30pm. The centers provide children with three meals a day and with medical and psychological support towards their physical and psychosocial development. Parents contribute a small fee towards the care of their children.