
Jamuna Kapali

Age : 40

Address : Kathmandu, Nepal

“I am really thankful to Chhimeki. Because of Chhimeki I am here now today. I can speak in front of people. I go to saving every month. I like going there as I can meet my friends”

I took Chhimeki Volunteer Training in the year 2005. And from that year itself I started to do saving. After the training I became Chhimeki’s childcare center caretaker. From 2007 to 2009 I worked there. But after having my own baby I stopped working there. Immediately after leaving that job, I opened my small teashop in Chhetrapati.

How she opened her tea shop?

At first I took loan of Rs. 5000 from Saving Group. After repaying the loan in six months I took another loan of Rs. 10,000. With that I opened my teashop. I do not have to pay rent for it. It is in my own building.

I am not very educated. In Saving Group it is easier to understand and make others understand. It has low interest rate compared to other financial institution. It is easier to take money from known friends. There is no need of collateral. No long paper work required compared to banks.

After the volunteer training I got confidence to speak in front of people. I met friends after coming in Chhimeki. It became easier to share talks with friends. I got knowledge about pregnancy and postnatal care which made it easier to tell other women in my community. Due to that training I got confident to open my own teashop. With the money earned from the teashop I can educate my two daughters. I completely look after my household. I am self-dependent now.


I really want to open my own bakery. I have targeted to open it next year. I will take loan from Saving Group again. It is easy to take loan from Saving Group.