Conducted Positive Parenting Training

Chhimeki Sanstha Nepal conducted training on ‘Positive Parenting’ for parents of adolescents, aiming to build strong relationships between parents and their children. A total of 22 mothers actively participated in the training.

20th Annual General Meeting

Chhimeki Sanstha Nepal (CSN) successfully convened its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on September 14, 2024. Out of the 319 general members of CSN, 221 participated in the meeting. CSN extends its heartfelt thanks to all members for their contribution to the successful completion of the AGM.

Conducted Social Audit Program of the Year 2023

Chhimeki Sanstha Nepal has successfully conducted “Social Audit” program of the year of 2023 on 18th March 2024. A total of 49 participants representing local Government, Government officials and beneficiaries actively participated in the program. They had put their views of its benefits, effectiveness and the values as well as feedback for improvement and wider coverage.
The CSN would like to express its sincere thanks to all for their active participation and valuable feedback.

Opening Program of Beauty Parlor Training

A six-months long “Beauty Parlor Training” for 20 community women has started by Chhimeki Sanstha Nepal (With the financial support provided by Stiftung 100, Germany), and was inaugurated by Mr. Rajesh Dangol President, Ward 25, KMC (as chief guest – local government) on 7th March 2024. The aim of the training is to empower women while involving them in regular income generating activities by applying their acquired skills.

On this occasion, the Chhimeki Sanstha Nepal would like to express its sincere gratitude to all for their cooperation, and extend its best wishes to all participants for the successful completion of this training.

Certificate Distribution of Tailoring Training Program 2023

Mr. Suman Shrestha, President, Ward. No. 14, KMC as the chief guest handover training completion certification to 10 community women, who have successfully completed 9-months (3-months “Basic-level”, 3-months “Advance-level” and 3-months “Apprenticeship”) tailoring training. The training was conducted by Chhimeki Sanstha Nepal with the financial support provided by Stiftung 100, Germany.

In this occasion, the Chhimeki Sanstha Nepal would like to express its sincere gratitude to the chief guest for his valuable time and cooperation working with us. In the meantime the organization would also like to congratulate all successful trainees, and extend best wishes for their future endeavor in working in this profession.

CSN conducted it’s 19th Annual General Meeting

Chhimeki Sanstha Nepal (CSN) successfully conducted its 19th Annual General Meeting on 23rd September 2023. A total of 211 general members were participated in the meeting. New executive board comprising of 9 members (including President) has been elected by election to work for the next two-year tenure.

The CSN would like to congratulate all the elected Board Members for their successful tenure.

Stakeholders Meeting 2023

Chhimeki Sanstha Nepal organized a Stakeholder meeting with local government and other concerned government officials. The objective of the meeting was to share the progress made by the organization for the period of 6 months from Jan to June, 2023.

For this meeting the CSN would like to express its sincere gratitude to all members for their active participation, valuable suggestion and feedback.

Conducted Inauguration Program of Tailoring Training

Chhimeki Sanstha Nepal is honored to express its sincere gratitude to Mr. Suman Shrestha, President, Ward No. 14 of KMC representing as the Chief Guest of the inauguration program of Tailoring Training conducted on 7th June 2023 for the community women and mothers.  The organization is also extended its best wishes to the participants for their active participation and successful completion of the training. 

Soap Making Training

Chhimeki Sanstha Nepal (CSN) organized soap-making training for community women and mothers with the goal of helping them start their own small-scale businesses or become self-employed. A total of 49 participants successfully completed the training. Afterward, 51% of the participants engaged in the production of Surf, Multi-wash, and Harpic products for their local markets and have begun earning income.

Opening Ceremony of Basic Level Tailoring Training

The Chhimeki Sanstha Nepal (CSN) with financial support from Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) has started to conduct Basic Level Tailoring Training. The training was inaugurated by Ms. Heera Devi Pokhrel as the chief guest, member of KMC-32 on 16th April 2023.  The CSN would like to express its sincere gratitude to all the honorable guests and stakeholders presented in the inauguration program.

The organization would also like to extend its best wishes to the participants for their active participation and successful completion of the training.